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Monday, November 03, 2008

Political Thoughts

I voted on Saturday and had a few political thoughts to share.

1) How did I vote? Very carefully! The most difficult office for me to vote on was that of President. Honestly, I don't feel that either of the main candidates are ready to lead our country. Then again, who is? The only way anyone should ever approach that position is with fear and trembling!

I listened to a recording from IHOP Atlanta that said no matter who the new president is, he will have a prayer target on them because they will be praying for God to speak and move in his life. And that is what helped me decide how to vote. I asked myself, "Which candidate is most likely to listen when God speaks?" Once I found the answer to that question in my heart, I voted.

Who did I choose? Possibly the same person you did. Maybe someone different. :-) I decided not to tell. Wouldn't want my decision to influence or condemn anyone else's choice.

2) I had a brilliant idea to get people to vote. I did absentee voting at the mall. I think, if they are going to offer voting at the malls, I think the malls should encourage people to vote by offering voting incentives. If you bring your voter receipt, you get 20% off your purchase, or some such thing. It might encourage a whole new demographic to vote!

I guess those are all my political thoughts for the moment. Be sure to cast your vote!

1 comment:

Joe Hayes said...

Voting is tough for a disciple of Christ. Who REALLY represents what I think is right? Not sure that anyone does. So, you get into all sorts of bizarre calculations about who is least bad or most good or how to weight given issues. It can make your head spin.

In this case, though, it was easy for me. Before the primaries had even started, I heard a recorded speech that Obama had given. At a time when those who were against invading Iraq were being derided as unpatriotic or unamerican (before we invaded), he had the judgment to realize that it was stupid to invade Iraq at that time, the courage to speak widely and publicly to that effect, and the eloquence to convey the message effectively. If only someone had listened. :(

I closed my ears at that point. I was like, after 8 years of Bush, I gotta vote for this guy. I don't care if he's a crack-whore, I don't wanna hear it.